What's New:

Over the counter (OTC) Aids

OTC hearing aids are devices that can be bought online or without having a diagnostic hearing test performed. They are designed for adults and for mild to moderate hearing loss.  OTC hearing aids are typically cheaper than conventional hearing aids as they do not have much processing capacity or higher-level technology to help you hear in complex listening environments. 

If you purchase a pair of OTC, they are typically programmed by yourself via an app.  You are still able to go to an Audiologist and have the hearing aids verified and ensure that they are working correctly for your hearing loss.  Audiologists have many tools available to ensure that you are purchasing something that is right for you and your needs.

Are you missing out on the sounds around you? Our fully-qualified MNZAS audiologists can help.

Kapiti Hearing is an independent owner-operated audiology and hearing aid clinic, offering first-class hearing services and advice on all your hearing needs. Kapiti Hearing specialises in personalised, patient-centered care with our qualified audiologists who take the time to fully assess your hearing needs.  With audiology clinics in Waikanae and Raumati Beach, our practice is convenient for Kapiti residents and beyond. Find out how we can help you by contacting Kapiti Hearing today.

Our Team


Jeanie Morrison-Low, MAud, MNZAS


Eloise Koenig, MAud MNZAS


Katie Sawaya, AuD, MNZAS


Debra, Office Manager


Ness Stanley, Raumati Receptionist


Tiffany Britton, Waikanae Receptionist

Get in touch today

We are an independent audiology clinic in Kapiti. Our professional audiologists encourage you to bring whanau, friend or loved one with you to your appointment.