Hearing Aid Manufacturers
Hearing aid Brands/Manufacturers
There are five main hearing aid manufacturing parent/holding companies who each have hearing aid brands they own. Each brand has different properties and features and therefore one brand may be better for your hearing than another. An independent audiologist has the ability to recommend different brands/manfacturers based on your needs and hearing loss without bias towards a specific manufacturer. Your audiologist at Kapiti Hearing works regularly with hearing aids from each of these manufacturers, and therefore is competent in fitting, fine tuning (adjusting), cleaning, and organising repairs for all of the major manufacturers who trade in NZ. The Kapiti Hearing clinics also have the most up-to-date software, and hardware, necessary to connect and program your hearing aids. If you have a preference or experience with a certain manufacturer, we are most happy to supply that for you. Otherwise, suggestions for hearing aids will be based upon your type of hearing loss, your lifestyle, listening, communication, and physical needs, and your budget.

ReSound (Denmark)
Manufactures ReSound and Beltone
WS Audiology (Germany)
Manufactures Signia and Widex
Sonova (Switzerland)
Manufactures Phonak, Unitron, Advanced Bionics, Lyric
William Demant (Denmark)
Manufactures Oticon, Sonic, Bernafon
Starkey (USA)
Manufactures Starkey, Audibel, NuEar, microtech
Get in touch today
We are an independent audiology clinic in Kapiti. Our professional audiologists encourage you to bring whanau, friend or loved one with you to your appointment.