Communication Strategies

Tips for those with hearing loss, and for those communicating with them

Making hearing loss easier for everyone to manage.

Because we hear with our brains, we can often “fill in the gaps” in other people’s speech by:

Communication Strategies from Better Hearing Institute

"When someone in the family has a hearing loss, the entire family has a hearing problem." A step-by-step guide for communication strategies, with specific tasks for both the listener ("use positive words when you need help from your communication partner, such as 'could you please speak a bit louder?' instead of 'you're going to have to speak louder if you want me to understand you')", and the communication partner ("when the listener with a hearing loss asks you to say something a little bit louder, take it as a compliment! It means she really wants to understand what you are talking about"). Read more here:

Communication Handbook - Frustrated by Hearing Loss?

This workbook has been an exceptionally successful tool in our clinic, as our patients apply the strategies they find most helpful as part of a greater aural rehabilitation program. - we have copies of this available for sale ($20) at both clinics for those who are interested. Both Waikanae and Raumati Beach clinics have 2 copies for short-term lending. Please ask.

Communicating with people with hearing loss

University of California San Francisco Medical Centre. Provides a list for those wanting to communicate successfully with someone who has hearing impairment. Reminds us, that "everyone, especially the hard-of-hearing, has a harder time hearing and understanding when ill or tired." people_with_hearing_loss/

Communication Tips from Action on Hearing Loss (UK)

This site provides tips for hearing people, for making communication with a person who has hearing impairment straightforward for both of you. Includes such gems as, "If someone doesn't understand what you've said, don't keep repeating it. Try saying it in a different way instead."

Get in touch today

We are an independent audiology clinic in Kapiti. Our professional audiologists encourage you to bring whanau, friend or loved one with you to your appointment.