Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs)

Hearing Assistive Technology (HAT) or ALD

The world of assistive listening devices is expansive. There are technological solutions for overcoming certain aspects of hearing loss that extends beyond hearing aids. Combining hearing aids with ALDs can provide better communication and hearing for some patients. For others, ALDs by themselves provide an excellent low-cost solution to their biggest challenges. 

If you’d like more information on any of these solutions, book a free 30 minute chat at our Waikanae or Raumati clinic on the Kapiti Coast. 


Infrared systems have been very helpful for many of our patients who do not have hearing aids to use while watching TV. The sound from the TV is transmitted to your headset via infrared waves. Meanwhile, the TV volume in the room can be set at any level without affecting what you hear. Bluetooth linked headphones or wired headphones plugged into your TV can also work well, bringing the TV sound directly into your ears. While both hearing aids and modern televisions have bluetooth built into them they will not always directly connect to each other. There are devices available that send the sound from your TV directly to your hearing aids.

Not all hearing aids have a telecoil and if this is something you require be sure to mention it to the audiologist prior to ordering your hearing aid. It will also need to be to activated and you will need to ask your audiologist to do this. In order for your hearing aid to receive the sound from the speaker via the telecoil, an induction loop must be permanently installed in a room, and the speaker/presenter must wear a microphone. This generates an electromagnetic signal which is then transmitted directly to your hearing aid. Induction loops can be present at retirement villages, movie theatres, public buildings as it is a requirement of of the building act (2004).  An induction loop is also present in the handset of landline telephones.

There are many options available today for a person with hearing impairment, for hearing on the telephone. If you have a hearing aid, ask your audiologist to set up a phone program and activate the automatic or manual phone program for you. The easiest way for some people to hear on a phone, whether or not they wear hearing aids, is to use the “loud speaker” which is on most modern phones. There are also amplified phones, and amplified answering machines, as well a caption phones for those who need a bit of extra boost. 

For smoke alarms, telephone ringing, alarm clocks, knocks at the door: these specialised systems include an in-built strobe light, or conventional light, to alert you. Some products also use vibration (such as the alarm clock) rather than light or amplified sound to signal you. Kapiti Hearing is happy to refer you to our local hearing therapist, who can advise you on these devices. Hearing Therapists provide a free service funded by the Ministry of health.

The speaker wears a small microphone clipped to their shirt. The microphone is connected to a transmitter or via Bluetooth to the hearing aid.  This allows the listener to hear the speaker directly in their ears.  Hearing aid companies have specific remote microphones designed to work with their product or if you have an iPhone this can be used as a remote microphone in certain situations.

Get in touch today

We are an independent audiology clinic in Kapiti. Our professional audiologists encourage you to bring whanau, friend or loved one with you to your appointment.